Hopukka-Luosto D7 ja D8 -huoneistojen hinnat
Ajalla 1.5.- 31.8. hinta 60 €/vrk
Ajalla 1.-30.9. hinta 550 €/vko ja 90 €/vrk
Ajalla 1.-30.9. hinta 550 €/vko ja 90 €/vrk
Ajalla 1.10.-30.11. hinta 60 €/vrk
Ajalla 1.12.-7.1. hinta 115 €/vrkLoppiaisen jälkeen viikon 7 lauantaihin saakka hinta 70 €/vrk
Viikot 7-17 hinta 650 €/vko.
Huom! Pääsääntöisesti vain viikkomyyntiä ko. ajalla. Vaihtopäivä lauantai.
Liinavaatteet ja loppusiivous on mahdollista saada lisämaksusta.
Liinavaatesetin hinta on 20 €/setti/mökkiin tuotuna ja 25 €/setti/pedattuna. Liinavaatesettiin kuuluu lakanat, kasvo- ja kylpypyyhe.
Loppusiivouksen hinta on 150 €.
Hinnat sisältävät alv:n.
Price list for Hopukka-Luosto D7 and D8 apartments
From 1.5. to 31.8. the price is 60 €/night.
From 1. to 30.9. the price is 550 €/week and 90 €/night.
From 1. to 30.9. the price is 550 €/week and 90 €/night.
From 1.10. to 30.11., the price is 60 €/night.
From 1.12. to 7.1., the price is 115 €/night.
From 8th of Jan until the week 7 Saturday, the price is 70 €/night.
Weeks 7-17, the price is 650€/week. Note: Generally, only weekly sales during this period. Changeover day is Saturday.
From 1.12. to 7.1., the price is 115 €/night.
From 8th of Jan until the week 7 Saturday, the price is 70 €/night.
Weeks 7-17, the price is 650€/week. Note: Generally, only weekly sales during this period. Changeover day is Saturday.
Price for final cleaning is 150 €.
Prices includes VAT.